


January 2025:

A return to Vietri sul Mare to make a couple dozen Pinocchiella e Pulcinelli on ceramic tiles and to take pictures for the Polifilo alla Marina di Vietri series.

December 2024:

Participation in the Winter Group show at the Anne Clergue gallery, Arles.

November 2024:

Contrary to what was announced, the series Histoire des monstres suite has found new momentum following current political events.
Galatina series (or what remains of it) also underwent a remake up.
An article published in Openeye Magazine n. 39, pp. 62-73.

5, rue de Condé (1986-1989), found photo negatives.
La Taranta replay. Sunday November 10 at the Studio Rayvox.

October 2024:
Pulcinelli e Pulcinella, a work in progress. Following the Puglianelli (Punchinellos) and preceding the Pollicine (Hop-o’-My-Thumb), similar figures in popular culture. Ceramics, slate, wood.

Pistris, variations on ceramic and slate.

September 2024:

Producing a series of 50 ceramic tiles inspired by the Puglianelli sketches.

August 2024:
Carrying on the work on the island of Batz and the expulsion of sea monsters from the coasts of Europe.

July 2024:

Les bêtes de Batz, a show in situ.

June 2024:
A sea-change, limited edition of 30 portfolios containing twelve digital prints giclée on offset paper 300 gr.

May 2024:From the appplied art side: a series of sketches to be reproduced on ceramic tiles: Puglianelli 2024 .

April 2024:

Just a couple of April Fool’s.

March 2024:

Histoire des monstres suite, a work in progress.

February 2024:

An article on SPuglia’s participation in the Deauville festival Planches contact (October 2023-January 2024), published in the February/March issue (35) of Openeye magazine, pp. 36-47.

January 2024:

A text by Thierry Grillet, curator of the show Le sport: pour la beauté du geste, Les Franciscaines, Deauville (January-May 2024).

An article by Nathalie Gallon on the recent series Les bêtes de Batz.

Palestinian Broadcasting Service , a work in progress.

Recently published articles:

Histoire des monstres 2021-2024

Canopiocchi mediorientali

December 2023:
The achievement of a fifth triptich on the matter of ”our” Seventies:
Anni Settanta, triptychs

Recently published articles:

Fenomeni morbosi ter 02

I mostri di Gramsci

Histoire des monstres bis

Bestiarium, ceramic tiles

November 2023:
Galatina remix, Carré d’art, Nîmes, November 7 to December 10. This exhibition was organized in association with the performance La Taranta remix, held on  November 10 in the auditorium.

October 2023:
Participation in the 14th Deauville photography festival Planches Contact (October 2023-January 2024).

Recently published articles:

Naturkunde (Berlin 1990)

Les bêtes de Batz

Laralia (Dale i Sunnfjord 1999)


An article by Nathalie Gallon in the collective work
Le Prix AICA France, In Fine, Paris 2023.

Recently published articles:

Catalogues, leaflets, press releases

Book illustrations

Travaux d’intérêt local


May 2023:

A show in Naples: Affreschi rinvenuti. Archivio di Stato di Napoli, April 28 to May 27.

March 2023:

The show Land paintings at the USPOP, Lasalle (France).

February 2023:

The completion of a work revisited several times in recent years (2016, 2022), RnS, Rovine nella selva.
An exhibition, until May 9: Quatre écrivains dans la garrigue. Ponge, Paulhan, Menard, Feuchtwanger. Maison du département du Gard.


January 2023:

An almost-completed self-assigned task: listing a selection of my solo exhibits from 1992 to 2023, starting with the first recorded show: Museo, Strasbourg 1992.


A work in progress, Nuovi mostri, which follows the recent series Histoires des monstres (2021).


December 2022:

The finalization of my remix of the soundtrack from Gianfranco Mingozzi’s documentary film La Taranta (1961): Galatina remix.


A new work, Feuchtwanger, following my recent series on literary figures and the garrigue landscape of southern France, Quatre écrivains dans la garrigue.


A (hopefully) completed little series: Con il cuore fermo, my third projet inspired by a documentary by Gianfranco Mingozzi.


November 2022:

I am pleased to announce that, thanks to my teenage daughter, I have officially entered the social media universe, via the Instagram platform under the nametag Spuglia_ .


October: the completion of a new series, the second inspired by Gianfranco Mingozzi documentary film La Taranta (1962):
Galatina remix.


In Search of Lost Red…


A collection of inks and drawings, 1973-2022.


Ruins in the Island, a booklet prepared three years ago in collaboration with graphic designer Jean-Luc Thierry but never published.
I recently rediscovered it and found it worth disseminating.
Here you will find the unedited drafts of the last two of the booklet’s five chapters, The call of the ruin and Return to Cythera.


A recent show in Gerberoy, France, July to September 2022: Fables animalières

(Works remaining available at the Baudelaire gallery).

Summer 2022: a few new works, mostly older pieces reworked with the very last drops of Lumen 26 acrylic paint. Please see Available small formats.


Completing a new series: Galatina 1961.


Polyandrion, the new edition of a print inspired by Francesco Colonna, The Dream of Poliphilus (Venice 1499).


A recently completed (June 2, 2022) small work: Der Reichstagssturm.


Quadreria, an installation presented in Nîmes as part of the Ateliers ouverts du Quartier Gambetta (May 28-29 2022).


An artist’s book,  just completed: NEMOZ.


Return from Italy’s Tuscia region to rework the Rovine nella selva series.


After a two-year absence, new ceramic plates with original drawings produced in Vietri sul Mare.


Developing a new series inspired by some literary figures from the South of France: Trois écrivains dans la garrigue:




Histoire des monstres: a recently completed series.


Three series of “zoological illustrations” :
Birds of Lent 2022,
Predators 2021,
and Raubtiere 2020 .


The rediscovery  of a thirty-year-old notebook: Museum, carnet 1992.


The production of a silk screen print, based on the recent installation Millenovecento (please see the page Limited edition in this website).


Participation at  Art Paris fair 2021 at the Grand Palais Éphémère (here the link to the Catalogue-Salvatore PUGLIA ART PARIS 2021).


Completion of a new series on the Hopi Industrial School at Keams Canyon (Arizona, USA, 1896) for a private collection in Rome (see also my Hostile Hopi).


Publication of an essay on my early work, “To Save the Phenomena. For Salvatore Puglia“, along with several other writings by Jacques Derrida in the collection Thinking Out of Sight, Writings on the Arts of the Visible (Chicago University Press).


The  Millenovecento exhibition in Bordeaux, at the Galerie Troisième Oeil , March 11- May 21, 2021.

A show of the installation Millenovecento  (October 2020-January 2021), at Galerie Sit Down   in Paris.


The publication of an article in AM. Antropologia museale 43: Images trouvées, images adoptées.


The culmination of a personal art project: La Buoncostume-Salpêtrière


A conversation with author Zoran Janic, published in two issues of the Serbian magazine Antidot, Part 1 and Part 2.
The full text is also available on my website.
