RT und RV (2019)

Raubtiere und Raubvögel.
A Twentieth century German manual of Zoology, from which some plates are excerpted and reproduced on glass, and the real illustrations of an animal anatomy book for artists (Leipzig 1898).

2019 RV 01 bis 20x30
RV 01, 2019, 20×30 (private collection).


RV 02, 2019, 20×30.


RT 01, 2019, 20×30.


RT 02, 2019, 20×30.







Raubvögel (2018)

Plates from a 1887 German publication on zoology, superimposed on maps of real and imaginary places: the Greek island Cythera and Balnibarbi land from Gulliver’s Travels.


01 Raubvögel Kythira 01
Raubvögel 01, 32,5×42


02 Raubvögel Gulliver 02
Raubvögel 02, 32,5×42


03 Raubvögel Kythira 03
Raubvögel 03, 32,5×42


04 Raubvögel Gulliver 04
Raubvögel 04, 32,5×42


05 Raubvögel Kythira 05
Raubvögel 05, 32,5×42


06 Raubvögel Gulliver 06
Raubvögel 06, 32,5×42.

Raubvögel 03 bis, 32×42.

