Raubvögel (2018)

Plates from a 1887 German publication on zoology, superimposed on maps of real and imaginary places: the Greek island Cythera and Balnibarbi land from Gulliver’s Travels.


01 Raubvögel Kythira 01
Raubvögel 01, 32,5×42


02 Raubvögel Gulliver 02
Raubvögel 02, 32,5×42


03 Raubvögel Kythira 03
Raubvögel 03, 32,5×42


04 Raubvögel Gulliver 04
Raubvögel 04, 32,5×42


05 Raubvögel Kythira 05
Raubvögel 05, 32,5×42


06 Raubvögel Gulliver 06
Raubvögel 06, 32,5×42.

Raubvögel 03 bis, 32×42.



Polifilo, Raubtiere (2018)

Inspired by Poliphilo’s encounter with a wolf on the island of Cythera, the series of plates from a 19th-century German publication on zoology, depicting animal predators is superimposed on 15th-century Venetian engravings from Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (The Dream of Poliphilus).


Spuglia FC D 01


Spuglia FC D 02


Spuglia FC D 03


Spuglia FC D 04


Spuglia FC D 05

